Passo 2
Opzioni di dominio
Passo 3
Passo 5


Domain Aliasing -

Point a new domain to an already existing Web site and Email account!

Domain Aliasing Partial: Email -

Point a new domain to an already existing Email account!

Domain Aliasing Partial: Web site -

Point a new domain to an already existing Web site!

To include Email, please choose Domain Aliasing.

Domain Forwarding -

Forward a new domain to an already existing Web site and Email account!

Domain Forwarding Partial: Email -

Forward a new domain to an already existing Email account!

Domain Forwarding Partial: Web site -

Forward a new domain to an already existing Web site!

To forward a new domain for a Web site and Email Address, please choose Domain Forwarding.

Secure Transaction Questo ordine viene eseguito in ambiente sicuro. Al fine di proteggere da frodi, il tuo indirizzo IP attuale ( è stato memorizzato.