Step 2
Domain Options
Step 3
Step 5


Email Hosting Only Individual -
Email Disk Space: 1GB

Email Disk Space: 500MB

Email Users: 1

Bandwidth: 1mbps

Monthly Data Transfer: 300GB

Shared Firewall Cluster

DNS Hosting

SpamWeeder Premium Filtering

Email Hosting Only Lite -
Email Disk Space: 2GB

Email Users: up to 10

Monthly Bandwidth: 1mbps
Monthly Data Transfer - 300GB

Shared Firewall Cluster

DNS Hosting

SpamWeeder Premium Filtering

Web + Email Business -
Website Disk Space: 10GB

Email Disk Space: 10GB

Email Users: up to 50

Monthly Bandwidth: 300GB

Shared Firewall Cluster with Intrusion Detection

DNS Hosting

SpamWeeder Premium Filtering

Web + Email Lite -
Website Disk Space: 10GB

Email Disk Space: 2GB

Email Users: up to 10

Monthly Bandwidth: 1mbps
Monthly Data Transfer - 300GB

Shared Firewall Cluster with Intrusion Detection

DNS Hosting

SpamWeeder Premium Filtering

Web + Email Power -
Website Disk Space: 10GB

Email Disk Space: 20GB

Email Users: up to 100

Monthly Bandwidth: 300GB

Shared Firewall Cluster with Intrusion Detection

DNS Hosting

SpamWeeder Premium Filtering

Web + Email Standard -
Website Disk Space: 10GB

Email Disk Space: 5GB

Email Users: up to 30

Monthly Bandwidth: 300GB

Shared Firewall Cluster with Intrusion Detection

DNS Hosting

SpamWeeder Premium Filtering

Web Hosting Only -
Website Disk Space: 10GB

Monthly Bandwidth: 1Mbps

Shared Firewall Cluster with Intrusion Detection

DNS Hosting

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